[Oracle EBS] Archive and Purge GL Balances and Journals

We can archive and purge account balances, as well as journal batches, entries, lines, and associated journal references for one or more accounting periods, provided the periods are permanently closed.

To Archive, navigate to Responsibility General Ledger Super User - Setup - System - Purge

The Archive process is move data from GL table to GL archive tables.  Data from tables is copied as below :
  • GL_balances --> GL_archive_balances
  • GL_batches --> GL_archive_batches
  • GL_je_headers --> GL_archive_headers
  • GL_je_lines --> GL_archive_lines
  • GL_import_references  --> GL_archive_references

Once the process completes, export the archive tables data to a safe place and the purge the data
References :
- Archiving Account Balances and Journal Detail
- Purging Archived Account Balances and Journals

[Oracle EBS] Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data

One of the important area of Concurrent Manager tuning is monitoring the space usage for the subsets within each concurrent manager. When the space in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES and FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS exceed 50K, you can start to experience serious performance problems within your Oracle Applications. When you experience these space problems, a specific request called “Purge Concurrent Requests And/Or Manager Data” should be scheduled to run on a regular basis. This request to purge can be configured  the request data from the FND tables as well as the log files and output files on accumulate on disk.

When the tables FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS and FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES reaches above 3000-4000 rows, the performance diminishes. You have to run Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data program on a regular basis depending on the amount of request being run.

SELECT (BYTES/1024)/1024 "Size in KB" from dba_segments where SEGMENT_NAME='FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS';


How to run Purge Concurrent Request and/or Manager Data in oracle EBS

1. Log in to Application as System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to Request> Run> Single Request
3. Query up Purge Concurrent Requests.

ENTITY = ALL   : Purge of concurrent requests, concurrent managers, request log files, manager log files and report output files. The following tables are purged
-  Fnd_Concurrent_Processes
-  Fnd_Dual
-  Fnd_Concurrent_Requests,
-  Fnd_Run_Requests
-  Fnd_Conc_Request_Arguments
-  Fnd_Dual
-  Fnd_Context_Env
-  Deletes concurrent requests’ log and out files from OS

ENTITY = MANAGER   : Purge of concurrent managers and manager log files.
The following tables are purged 
-  Fnd_Concurrent_Processes
-  Fnd_Dual
-  Deletes concurrent manager log files from OS

ENTITY = REQUEST   : Purge of concurrent requests, request log files and output files.
The following tables are purged
– Fnd_Concurrent_Requests,
– Fnd_Run_Request
– Fnd_Conc_Request_Arguments
– Fnd_Dual
– Deletes concurrent requests’ log and out files from OS

- AGE : Number of days.
- COUNT : Number of records